All Products from AMPAS NUTRITION are guaranteed AUTHENTIC !!  We understand that your investment into a Certain product is an important financial decision that's why we make sure our customers deserves nothing but the best, purest, authentic supplement products money can buy.

Unlike some other online players, we NEVER source anything from Unreliable Sources, choosing to only offer products that are 100% authentic, sourced directly from the brands and there authorized importers.

From its very Inception, AMPAS NUTRITION has actively partnered directly with the brands. There is no middleman in the whole supply chain unlike other marketplaces. So Apart from providing better deals in terms of pricing and Promotional Freebies, Customers gets proper support from the brand for the authenticity related queries.

AMPAS NUTRITION controls the entire value chain, from product sourcing to final sale which ensures Customer that every product purchased on the site can be traced back to the brand via sale receipt or invoice. 

Furthermore, Our Team is empowered to help you find the right products to fit your goals and make sure you have the best shopping experience.

All the products at Ampas Nutrition are sourced directly from the brands or the official importers

How to Check Authenticity.

✓ Product must have an Expiry Date and a Valid Lot Number which can be verified from the Importer/Brand itself on the Customer care Numbers/Mails.

✓ You must receive a proper Tax paid Retail Invoice from your Seller.


Fake supplements have both short term and permanent effects. It is always advisable to buy from trusted sellers only.

Spurious ingredients mixed with steroids make for cheap supplements. Such supplements are made to look like their real counterparts in colour and texture, but the pump in muscle and the mass gain are directly because of the steroids in the fake supplements


At, we strive to provide 100% authentic products & supplements
We invest an enormous amount of time and money to ensure that all products supplied by us are 100% Genuine & Authentic as We’re all a family that loves to be healthy and fit.

